Supernovas: Making women shine in the entrepreneurial universe

SUPERNOVAS Women Investment Network (WIN) is the place where female investors (both VC investors and business angels) meet to learn and grow professionally, access investment opportunities in female-led startups and expand their network with the support of EIT, the largest innovation ecosystem in Europe.

WIN in a nutshell

Who is it for?

    • If you are an earlycareer femaleprofessional in Venture Capital check ourVC Academytraining to improve you skills and ourInvestmentForums to Access our curated dealflow. 
    • If you are (or would like to be) a female business angel check ourBusiness Angels Academy  and ourInvestment Forums.
    • If you are afemale startup founder, or you work for a female-led startup,  check ourInvestment Forums 

Our Activities

WIN Investment Academy:

Online training courses for two types of female investors:

Investment forums, where investors will have access to the most innovative female-led startups in the agritech, health, manufacturing energy, and urban mobility sectors 

WIN Community:

Building a community where female investors from all over Europe can learn together and from each other, coinvest and generate synergies. 

WIN next key dates

We are working on our 2024 calendar, dates will be announced shortly.

We are working on our 2024 calendar, dates will be announced shortly.

Applications for 2024 sessions are open! Read more here.

Why WIN?

Female presence is low in venture investment in Europe, particularly in senior positions. We want to have more women writing checks and becoming successful investors.

Invest in women. The proportion of funding attracted by female-led startups is considerably lower than their share in the ecosystem, partially due to low female presence on the investment side, which might contribute to conscious or unconscious biases.

A more gender-balanced ecosystem makes more diverse and more efficient investments and innovation decisions.

In this context, WIN aims at: 

  • Increasing female presence and their role as investors in Europe (help invest successfully, develop professionally and progress to senior positions).
  • Connecting female investors, female founder funds and female-led startups to explore female investments opportunities.