Supernovas: Making women shine in the entrepreneurial universe


Supernovas is an EIT Community initiative that aims to increase female presence in the entrepreneurship and investment ecosystem, as well as support women already active in it. 

We support female founders, women-led start-ups, and scale-ups, facilitate women’s engagement in the early-stage investment industry, and ignite growth for women business angels and VC investors. 

Our objective is to establish and cultivate role models throughout the sector, with the ultimate goal of arriving at a more sustainable future and a more equitable society 


We deliver 5 activities:

Women Investment Network (WIN):  the place where female investors (both VC investors and business angels) meet to learn and grow professionally, access investment opportunities in female-led startups and expand their network with the support of EIT, the largest innovation ecosystem in Europe.

Rocketup Activitie

Rocket up: We support female-led startups to enter a new European market with a solid strategy and local validation of the product and service, to maximize their growth and fundraising potential.

Women2Invest: We help women with STEAM studies start their careers in venture capital by training them in the fundamentals of this profession and matching them with investors (VCs and CVCs) for internship opportunities. Simultaneously, investors get access to a pool of promising women that will add diversity to their investment teams. 

Data Room

Data Room: Is a dedicated platform that collects and analyses updated data on female-led startups supported by EIT to:

– Give access to curated deal flow to investors: discover new companies, source deals, and connect with promising founders.

– Showcase deep tech female entrepreneurship across sectors: both by publishing Supernovas’ own reports and studies and by providing input to others’.

– Raise awareness and create role models: inspire and foster innovation while addressing gender disparities in entrepreneurship.

Women Leadership Programme (WLP): 
The initiative that supports, inspires, and empowers female innovators. This cohort will provide the selected entrepreneurs with a set of training and networking events, as well as business coaching and mentoring opportunities for career development.

Key components of the programme:

– Training Sessions: deep dive into a variety of leadership and entrepreneurial topics.

– Networking Events: expanding your contacts into the business world.

– Coaching Scheme: addressing your business challenges.

– Mentoring Scheme: unlocking your personal career development.


The Supernovas Team