Supernovas > For Investors > Education
At Supernovas, we believe that education is the foundation for the development and transformation of the investment and entrepreneurial ecosytem. Discover how our activities can help you achieve your objectives in the investment industry.

We help women with STEAM studies start their careers in venture capital by training them in the fundamentals of this profession and matching them with investors (VCs and CVCs) for internship opportunities. Simultaneously, investors get access to a pool of promising women that will add diversity to their investment teams.

VC Academy:
2 different training pathways for female professionals in venture capital at junior and senior positions, addressing key topics in the investment process, professional development and career aspects. Whether you are an intern or analyst of a VC fund and you want to further develop your investment skills, or you are a mid-career woman looking to develop the skills and mindset necessary to thrive in a venture capital career, the Venture Capital Academy will provide you with a series of online sessions with experts in the investment ecosystem to achieve your goals.

Business Angel Academy:
Training for new and experienced female business angels, addressing topics such as deal flow, opportunity analysis, due diligence, valuation and negotiation of terms, deal making and investment documents, diversification strategy, supporting portfolio companies, rounds of investment and exits.